Analyst Coverage

The following is a list of research agency analysts and securities firms that provide coverage of our business performance. Please contact the relevant firm for details of analyst report content.

Company Name (Alphabetical Order) Analyst
BofA Securities Japan Co. Ltd. Yoshitaka Nagao
Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd. Kazuki Tokunaga
Jefferies Japan Limited Hiroko Sato
Nomura Securities Co. Ltd. Jiyong Oum
SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. Takayuki Hara
SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. Eiji Maeda
  • Note: This list is subject to change. Analyst predictions regarding the future performance of GMO Internet Group, Inc. are the views of the individual analyst and do not represent the opinions of GMO Internet Group, Inc. or its management. GMO Internet Group, Inc. does not support the forecasts, opinions or recommendations of the analysts and does not undertake to ensure the integrity of the information they provide.